1 See readme.txt for general information about the release.
2 See release_notes.txt for information on handling saves and a brief writeup on the changes for this version.
3 See file_changes.txt for new init/interface information.
6 Dwarf Fortress Command Line Options
9 Dwarf Fortress currently offers one command line option, a world generator, suggested by genmac. You can use it as follows:
11 FORMAT: "Dwarf Fortress.exe" -gen <id number> <seed> <world gen param title>
12 EXAMPLE: "Dwarf Fortress.exe" -gen 1 3498 STANDARD
13 EXAMPLE: "Dwarf Fortress.exe" -gen 2 RANDOM CUSTOM6
15 This will open a silent, introless dwarf fortress, generate a world with the given id number and seed, export the region files and a picture, and finally quit. The window remains open so you can see what's going on. You can still abort world generation while it is running. If you attempt to create a world number that already exists, it will abort immediately.